At only the merest hint of sun, most Brits get rather heated; sadly, it is not at all uncommon to see a bare chested man marauding around his local supermarket, lobster-red hand grasping for bags of charcoal and packets of suspect looking burgers. Whilst this appalling display invariably makes us throw up in our mouths, we can empathise with the sentiment behind it. Helios makes so few appearances on this fair isle, that on the rare occasions he does visit we want to make the most of it and loll around in the garden until positively crispy, but those spoil-sports skin specialists have ruined all of our fun, what with their talk of sun damage, wrinkles and cancer. So we have had to find another way to quench our thirst for 1950's silver face tanners and these marvelous metallics just about do it.
Labels: metallics, summer, trends
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